Sunday, September 13, 2009

omegle 0,0

eh gue lagi demen chat di omegle dah wkwkwk abis gue pengen ngajakin ribut bule bule
abis nyolot akakakaka
tapi ada yang baik nama nya Kid dia dari china hahahaha
hahaha tapi bahasa inggris gua ngacooooooooooooo

Stranger: hey

You: hey dude

Stranger: how are you

You: fine

You: you?

Stranger: so am i

Stranger: f/m?

You: f

You: you

Stranger: wo

Stranger: me,too

You: what is your name?

Stranger: Kid

You: kid?

Stranger: yup

Stranger: ah ,i just like the name,and most friends call me Kid

Stranger: yours?

You: rida :D

You: from?

Stranger: china

You: you know bao chun lai?

Stranger: of course

Stranger: do you like hime?

Stranger: him?

You: yeah he's so handsomeYou: you?

Stranger: haha,yup ,he is handsome and mature

Stranger: and i prefer chen yi bing

You: chen yi bing? who?

Stranger: kinda gymnast

Stranger: Hum,where are you from ?do you know him from the Olympic?

You: Indonesia

Stranger: woow

You: yeah

You: do you have facebook acount?

Stranger: no,but i have msn

You: add my msn

Stranger: okay

You: how old are you?

Stranger: 20

Stranger: you ?

You: my msn

You: adding yup

You: 13 haha

trus ini di msn

懶丫頭-----》Lazy Kid says:hi

懶丫頭-----》Lazy Kid says:you are really young

ridaa,away ga bales says: yeah hehe

懶丫頭-----》Lazy Kid says: won't you go to school?today is monday..

ridaa,away ga bales says: no,My school did have holiday

ridaa,away ga bales says: :)

懶丫頭-----》Lazy Kid says: woow,sounds good

懶丫頭-----》Lazy Kid says:time for lunch ,i have to leave now...we can chat later,okay?

懶丫頭-----》Lazy Kid says: i have no class this afternoon

ridaa,away ga bales says: okey

ridaa,away ga bales says: see you kid

懶丫頭-----》Lazy Kid says: :)

懶丫頭-----》Lazy Kid says: see you later

懶丫頭-----》Lazy Kid says:and really nice to meet you

懶丫頭-----》Lazy Kid says:see ya

ridaa,away ga bales says: yeah me too

wekekeke dia mah baik tapi ada yang jahat juga malah banyak heeeeem

Stranger: hi
Stranger: from
You: indo
You: you?
Stranger: taiwan
Stranger: m/f
You: f
You: you?
Stranger: m
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 17...u??
You: 90
Stranger: ??kiding
You: noYou: why?

wakakakaka mampus luuuuuuuuu :P

Stranger: hey i look for girl on skype or msn. :) [i'm male//age 20]
You: oh i'm female//age 90
Stranger: 90
Stranger: '
Stranger: ??
You: yes.Why?
You: very old?
You: WOY
wuakakakakaaka esumpah ngakak gua ckck jijik abisssssssssss

Stranger: yoaw
You: yoyoyoyo
Stranger: sup
You: ayam
You: what is your name?
Stranger: ian
Stranger: yours?
You: Lady GaGa
Stranger: oooh lala
Stranger: OHH JA JA JA JA JAAHA1010001111000
Stranger: System Zenog 12
You: frommmmmmmm?
You: f/m?
Stranger: System Zenong 12 is my primary space port
Stranger: I have Male connector ports
You: ooooooooooooooooh
wakakakak Lady Gagak gue mah